The extensive fabrication work continues for the new Durfee High School construction project. Arden is using their Modular Construction Methodology to fabricate entire piping sections for the school’s labs. The methodology workflow provides trouble-free installation and pre- and post-construction efficiency and cost savings.

The fabricated sections are 30-feet long and use corrosion-resistant PVC for chemical waste and venting, copper pipe is used for non-portable hot and cold water, and carbon steel pipe is for natural gas. A total of 104, 30-foot sections are being created for the 52 double-sided lab workstations. Once each 30-foot section is complete, they are cut into 15-foot lengths for transport after being insulated.

Durfee High School Lab Fabrication 30-foot section

The blue PVC is the frame of a 30-foot piping section for the labs. It is for chemical waste and venting.

Durfee High School Lab Fabrication 30-foot section

The double-sided piping section includes copper pipping for non-portable hot and cold water, as well as a carbon steel pipe for natural gas.

Durfee High School Lab Fabrication Being Insulated

The piping section has been cut to 15-feet and is being insulated.

Durfee High School Lab Fabrication Insulated

Fully insulated lab piping section ready for transport to the project site.

Durfee High School Lab Fabrication Installed

Lab piping installed at the school where the two 15-foot sections are reconnected.