Devyn Maher, a 1st-year plumber, joined Arden Engineering Constructors this past spring. She is working in the fabrication facility, but her welding talents have gone beyond the traditional pipe. Devyn learned to weld at The Steel Yard in 2018. She participated in Weld to Work, a program that provides training and equipment to jumpstart a career in metalworking. Devyn fell in love with welding and fabrication. Since then, she has been working through their “Public Projects” department which designs and fabricates items for schools, organizations, and businesses across Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Devyn has welded bike racks, fences, trash cans as well as theatre props. She also teaches and assists in welding/metalwork workshops held by The Steel Yard.

Shown above is a recent project Devyn worked on for the Providence Public Library. The project involved making a bike rack using the library’s logo letters PPL as well as three tree guards, all located on Empire Street. Devyn commented, “Welding as an art form and trade do intersect, but I think the art form is based on creativity followed by technique, whereas welding as a trade is rooted in technique and skill. Creatively, welding, and metalwork are limitless. It fascinates me that something as durable and strong as steel can also be so delicate.”
Devyn has also attended Building Futures, a pre-apprenticeship program in Providence, Rhode Island and has received her first welding certification. She is now looking to gain additional experience at Arden and Local 51.